Monday, August 23, 2021

In the Lockdown

 In the Covid lockdown I decided to move my Computer upstairs because why not? Then I Got my first covid test they had to get a long Q tip and put it at the back of my nose to get the test. Then I'm getting my second covid test on the day I posted this blog. Then I came home, ate food, played with my cats and watch iPad then sleep.


  1. Good Evening Cyrus
    Your lockdown sounds pretty busy and we're only one week in! You're so brave getting your covid test done. Your description of the test was so vivid I could picture it in my head. Where abouts did you go? I heard some people have waited 6 hours to getbtheir tst done! Hope you hear back from them soon.

    1. I went to new Lynn To get my test

  2. Good on you Cyrus, the first one is always the worst. Just a little suggestion to help with your writing. Try not to use "then" at the beginning for each sentence. In most of those sentences they still would have worked without the word beginning there at all. Also how did you feel to have the test (e.g frightened), did it hurt, we would like to know more about you, not just what you did.

  3. Hi Cyrus,
    I like how you wrote lots, next time maybe you could write more about how you felt about getting tested.

  4. Hi Cyrus I liked how you said you played with your cats. Next time maybe you can tell us if you felt a difference between the first test and the second test and if you felt scared on your first test or not.
